It all starts in the Student Section…
If anyone is going to change the world, it’s the next generation. CFN Student Ministry is for students 6th-12th grade. It’s designed to give them a place where they can connect to God and grow in their faith.

What is CFN Students?
Right now our Students are meeting In Person On Campus and Virtually on our Facebook Group - CFN Students. Please join us!
Every Sunday night @ 6:30pm CFN students gather in the Youth Room to worship, learn from God’s Word and have fun together. CFN Student Ministry is committed to providing a place for students (6th -12th grade) to connect with God, with other students, and with older committed leaders that are dedicated to seeing students grow closer to Jesus.
There are also Special Events throughout the year such as Summer Camp, Mystery Meet Up Mondays, Service Projects, Open Gym Nights and more.
Meet Our Students Team!
Get Involved
Do you have a passion and want to play a part in the spiritual formation of our students?! We would love to meet with you and find your place in CFN Students. It takes a group of passionate, motivated, and available people to pour into our youth and we're excited about the potential of you being a part! If you're interested in serving, please click on the link below and someone will contact you with more information:

A Message To Parents
Parents, we can assure you that your child will not only have a blast when they come to CFN Student Ministry, but also be encouraged to grow in their faith and live it out every day. As the CFN Student Ministry team, we will make every effort to keep you informed and provide resources throughout the year.