totes of hope
It all started when…
Joyce, a member of CFN’s Dorcas Sewing Group, read an article about foster kids being removed from their homes with just a trash bag to carry their belongings. She felt that we could do better and God put a passion in her heart to do just that. Now every Tuesday and Wednesday, the Sewing Group is making handmade Totes of Hope, which include a handmade quilt and is filled with toiletries and special gifts. We partner with our county’s Sheriff Department and when children are removed from their homes in crisis situations, those first responders are able to hand them a Tote of Hope to collect their things and also give them some Hope in a traumatic situation. Each month 51 children enter Foster Care in our county. Just in 2023 over 200 Totes of Hope have been delivered to CHild Protective Services.
How can you help?
Help make Totes and Quilts. The group meets every Tuesday from 9am to 12noon.
Provide fabric or supplies (toothbrushes, toothpaste, body soap, shampoo, socks, comb, washcloths, diapers etc)
Give financially towards purchasing items. Each Tote of Hope and quilt costs approximately $40. You can give online through the GIVE button. Just designate your gift “Totes of Hope” or you can mail a check to CFN, 1874 Nursery Rd, Clearwater, FL 33764.
Working together, we can share Hope to some precious children.